Lucky for you, Service is literally our middle name


Customer service is still KING! The lifeblood of any business is its customers. Without customers, there is no business. The process of acquiring customers is not easy. An existing customer is much easier to sell products to than a cold contact. That is why serving the customer is so important, but often overlooked. The art of keeping a customer happy, helping them fall in love with your products and services time and time again is not something that can be trusted to a trainee. This is for a seasoned professional, a highly skilled customer service agent.


Decline salvage is exactly what it sounds like. When a card declines, that’s when our highly skilled CSC Agents roll up their sleeves and go to work for you. There are many different ways that salvage can result in higher cash flow for your business, but the important thing is; where money was once lost forever, CSC agents are able to breathe new life into declined accounts and inject cash into your business. Too often business owners forget how much work they put into getting that customer in the beginning and they let the customer go after a decline. CSC agents know the work that goes into getting that customer in the first place. Using special training and proven skills CSC Agents are experts in recovering declined accounts, whether turning them into recurring clients or selling them new products your business will benefit from a decline salvage operation.  


The ability to take raw data, and turn that data into a highly qualified lead for your sales team is remarkable. Producing these highly qualified leads are what our professional, dedicated agents do best. Our agents have years of experience that allows them to make warm transfers to your top-notch sales staff. CSC Agents chew through raw data at record speeds getting to that highly qualified lead faster. CSC agents can also grind through old data to find any highly qualified leads that may have slipped through the cracks. Who knows, you may be sitting in your very own acre of diamonds right now. You point us in the direction of the mine, we do the mining, and hand you the “diamond”.  All you need to do is polish it and put it in your pocket.


Without sales, there is no business. Our agents understand this and are able to get the sales necessary for your success. CSC’s highly skilled Dedicated Agents use tested and proven sales techniques to deliver measurable results. CSC Agents take calls from a sales perspective right from the beginning. This allows you to sit back and focus on your business, all the while, highly skilled sales agents are pitching your product and making you money. Skilled Agents are able to produce results consistently allowing you to plan your success. Give your business the edge and take sales seriously from the beginning. 


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(855) 393-9777
