When Was the Last Time Your Customer Service Served You?

Just a few of our CS benefits

We protect your money and Merchant accounts

NO setup fee

You can easily transfer your existing numbers to our dedicated product queues

We handle BBB, AG and Social media threats! with no acceleration fees

Our agents make new sales and trials to offset your CS costs

You can access real-time CS reporting for you and your team

We have dedicated agents who will know your product better than you do!

We negotiate with bank reps and customers for better resolutions no accelerated fees

We are not your average Customer Service Provider

Our CS agents understand what keeps your business running

The lifeblood of your business is healthy Merchant Accounts. CSC agents are knowledgeable about merchant accounts and understand their importance so they make the protection of your MIDs their top priority. Our agents constantly look out for your best interest!

OFF the Script

Customer Service Collective agents are trained not to be automatically apologetic and just give in to the customers’ “knee-jerk” reaction.  The agents use straight forward negotiation tactics to change the call from one in which your customer is doing everything they can to not pay, to one in which the customer remembers why they bought your product in the first place and accepts responsibility for their purchase. This progressive thinking results in a resolution that allows you to keep your customer and your money. Reminding the customer why they purchased the product and coming up with a win-win resolution.

Our agents are experts in your product or service

We have dedicated Agent Product Teams that study and research your products. They become so knowledgeable that they are Professional Ambassadors of your products. They translate that expertise into sustained directed communication with your customers to encourage them to continue using your products both in the present and the future.

We focus on conflict resolution

In today’s internet sales space, it is a serious reality that customers know that by making a threat about the BBB, AG, or Social Media they can bully your company or just plainly “scam” you for free product! It is a real and present threat that needs to be handled very carefully.  All CSC agents are specially trained in these types of threats and are able to resolve them amicably before they escalate into an even bigger problem for your Company.

No hidden or acceleration fees

You never have to pay for and preparation or setup of any your customer service teams! There is no initial setup fee and no fee if you need to set up additional campaigns in the future. No minimums, no confusing line items on your invoice. By the minute means by the minute and you are only charged for the time the agent spends on the phone talking to your customer. No Hidden Fees!


We provide you with real-time reporting of all inbound and outbound calls. You can monitor the call reporting 24/7 to see why the customer is calling and how the issue was resolved. This helps you to make more timely decisions in your campaigns and immediately address any issues that may arise.



Have any questions that we have not answered yet? Check out our page of frequently asked questions.

contact us

Interested in working with us? maybe you just want to chat. Either way, we are here for you.


(855) 393-9777

